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Christian Potin Consultant intermittent du Développement Inégal
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Plan préliminaire de recasement des populations affectées par le projet de barrage sur la rivière Atbara - Soudan (anglais)



March 2009

Christian Potin Consultant

(in the frame of SOGREAH’s Impact study for Dam Implementation Unit of Soudan)

 => pour accéder au rapport complet cliquer sur le lien ci-après


=> Voir aussi album photos correspondant avec cartes sur le Blog :



Table of Contents

1      Introduction. 3

2      Brief reminder of the socio-economic impacts of DCUAP. 5

2.1       Quantitative impacts. 5

2.2       Qualitative impacts. 5

2.3       Minimizing resettlement and displacements. 6

3      Strategic framework and approach. 7

3.1       Wold Bank policy principles and instruments. 7

3.2       Sudanese legal framework. 9

3.3       The reference of Merowe resettlement. 10

3.3.1        The damages compensations and resettlement guide of Merowe Dam Project 10

3.3.1        Brief memo of lessons to be drawn from the Merowe experience. 13

3.4       Recommended specific strategy for DCUAP. 15

4      Census and socio-economic surveys. 18

4.1. Present available data and features. 18

4.2       Further census and surveys needed. 20

5      Eligibility, entitlement and grievrance redress. 22

5.1       Eligibility. 22

5.2       Entitlement. 23

5.3       Grievance Redress. 26

6      Institutional arrangements. 29

7      Public information and consultation. 34

7.1       Public Participation Principles for ESIA. 34

7.2       Reminder of the main Stakeholders concerned. 36

7.3       Pre Design of a Public Information and Consultation Campaign. 37

8      Identification of the rap components and programmes. 41

8.1       Villages resettlement. 41

8.1.1        Magnitude of villages resettlement 41

8.1.2        Resettlement sites and land acquisition. 41

8.1.3        Further investigations and studies. 42

8.2       Resettlement of people, housing and buildings. 43

8.2.1        Affected population and private houses. 43

8.2.2        Public and collective buildings and assets. 44

8.3       Land, income compensation and allowances. 44

8.3.1        Agricultural land compensation. 44

8.3.2        Special allowances and non-agricultural income compensation. 45

8.4       Mitigation Measures and Development Programmes. 46

8.4.1        Socio-economic infrastructures and services. 46       Access roads and rivers crossing. 46       Health units restoration and development 48       Education. 49       Water supply. 50       Electricity supply. 51

8.4.2        Economic development programmes. 52       Agriculture and livestock development programmes. 52       Fisheries development project 55       Social and employment development programmes. 57

9      Costs and budget pre estimates. 61

10    Preliminary implementation schedule. 64

11     Monitoring and evaluation. 66


A1 – Villages’ resettlement data base. 69

A1.1    Unit costs utilized for RAP budget estimate. 70

A1.2    Villages to resettle, resettlement sites and land acquisition. 72

A1.3    Population and housing to resettle. 77

A1.4    Loss of agricultural land and rangeland (karab) 8 

A1.5    Affected Non-agricultural activities. 84

A1.6    Schools compensation and development. 87

A1.7    Health units and services compensation and development. 90 

A1.8    RAP Implementation Unit staffing and budgeting. 92

A2 – Merowe resettlement guide. 94 

Guide Summary. 94 

Chapter One - Statistics, Tally and Development. 96

Chapter Two - Damages Compensations. 98

Chapter Three - Damages Compensations Procedures. 100

Chapter 4 - Resettlement Procedures. 102 

Chapter 5 - Compensation Categories. 103 

Conclusion. 105


Christian Potin Consultant intermittent du Développement Inégal
Christian Potin Consultant intermittent du Développement Inégal
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